Creation Topics
Creation Topics Part 5 – Science and the Bible (48 min)
Gordon Williams (1942-2018), scientist and Bible teacher, continues his series of messages on “Creation topics”. After looking at astronomy, geology, biology, he takes a look at “science and the Bible” and points to numerous places in the Bible where, by divine inspiration, the Bible has proved itself to be way ahead of the discoveries of science. Reading: 2 Tim 3:16-17. (Message given in Kamloops, Canada, 26th April 2012)
Creation Topics Part 4 – Life (42 min)
Gordon Williams (1942-2018), scientist and Bible teacher, continues his series of messages on “Creation topics” with a look at biology and Darwin’s theory of “evolution by natural selection”. He looks at the Bible concept of “kinds” and relates it to the issue of species and how the theory of evolution totally contradicts true science and the record of Genesis chapter 1. Reading: Gen 1:11-12, 20-31 (Message given in Kamloops, Canada, 25th April 2012)
Creation Topics Part 3 – Rocks (50 min)
Gordon Williams (1942-2018), scientist and Bible teacher, continues his series of messages on “Creation topics” with a look at geology and what he calls the “story of the rocks”. Mr Williams outlines the three main types of rock on planet earth: igneous rock, metamorphic rock, and sedimentary rock. He compares uniformitarianism and catastrophism, as well as discussing plate tectonics and continental drift. He tells two stories of rocks: their catastrophic formation, and the fossils they contain. Reading: Gen 1:9-27 (Message…
Creation Topics Part 2 – Earth (42 min)
Gordon Williams (1942-2018), scientist and Bible teacher, continues his series of messages on “Creation topics” with a look at the earth – its size, structure, stability, satellite, surface etc. He outlines the anthropic principle and reveals many of the striking design features of this life sustaining planet. Reading: Gen 1:1-10. (Message given in Kamloops, Canada, 23rd April 2012)
Creation Topics Part 1 – Space (46 min)
Gordon Williams (1942-2018), scientist and Bible teacher, opens a series of messages on “Creation topics” with a look at the nature, size, beginning and end of space. He takes a tour through the world’s changing understanding of space – discussing Ptolemy, Aristotle, Newton, Einstein and Hubble along the way – and sets out what the Bible teaches on the topic. Readings: Psalm 8:1-4, 19:1-4, Gen 1:1. (Message given in Kamloops, Canada, 22nd April 2012)