Sermons on Jude
Keep Learning, Keep Leaning, Keep Looking (28 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on Jude’s recipe for “keeping yourself in the love of God” – keep learning, keep leaning and keep looking for the Lord to return. Reading: Jude vvs20-21. (Message preached in Chalfont St Peter, 30th July 2023)
An Extraordinary Christian Life (25 min)
David Vallance, speaking from Jude v20-23, sets out the Bible’s plan for the believer’s life. He challenges his audience to take responsibility for their Christian life and not treat it as a hobby. His punch line? When it comes to Bible reading, prayer, evangelism, holiness and care for others “Don’t be normal…don’t be mediocre”. A challenging thought-provoking message (Message preached in Bicester, Easter April 1st 2018)