Sermons on Esther

Sermons on Esther

For Such a Time as This (36 min)

John Dennison preaches on the unique times described in the book of Esther and how she was raised up to act in faith for the deliverance of God’s people. The providence of an unseen God, the preparation of an unexpected person (Esther), the priority in an unknown future, and the prospect of untold blessing. Reading: Est 4:6-17. (Recorded in Winnipeg, MB, Canada, 4th April 2014)

Mordecai – The Honourable Statesman (59 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the life and times of the honoured Mordecai and the extraordinary events recorded in the book of Esther that demonstrate the providence and sovereignty of God in remarkable ways. Readings: Est 2:5-7, 21-23, 3:1-4, 4:12-14, 6:1, 3-10, 8:2, 15 9:1, 23, 10:1-3. (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete series on “Honourable Men in Scripture”: Jabez – The Honourable Supplicant Mordecai – The Honourable Statesman Samuel – The Honourable Seer Joseph of Arimathea – The Honourable Senator Epaphroditus…

For Such a Time as This (50 min)

Elton Fairfield preaches on Queen Esther, who came to the kingdom “for such a time as this”. A much used pivotal Old Testament character, Mr Fairfield discusses when she was, who she was and why she was. (Message preached in Ahoghill Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland, in 2022)

Esther – A Queen who Understood the Times (42 min)

Michael Penfold preaches on Queen Esther, who “came to the Kingdom for such a time as this“. How well do we understand the uniquely difficult times in which we live? Ours is the age of “Richard Dawkins, Lady Gaga and”. In other words, for us, “Persian culture” is the inescapable all-pervasive influence of the enlightenment, the sexual revolution and consumerism, both in the world around us and in our pocket. Before we can effectively live for Christ, we need…