Sermons on Expositions in Jonah - K Crawford

Sermons on Expositions in Jonah - K Crawford

God is Close in the Storm (23 min)

Kory Crawford preaches on the affliction Jonah endured in the storm when he was swallowed by the whale. God sympathises with the afflicted, He supports those who are drowning, and He saves those who are overwhelmed. Reading: Jonah 2. (Recorded at Alkeny, Iowa, USA, Sept 2023) Two part sermon series: God is in Control of the Storm God is Close in the Storm

God is in Control of the Storm (30 min)

Kory Crawford preaches on the storm experience of Jonah, a man who refused to deliver the message of God, but saw a manifestation of God and knew the mercy of God in the storm. Reading: Jonah 1. (Recorded at Alkeny, Iowa, USA, Sept 2023) Two part sermon series: God is in Control of the Storm God is Close in the Storm