Sermons on Individual messages on the Holy Spirit - Various speakers
An Overview of the Gifts of the Spirit (39 min)
Colin Hutchison gives an overview of the gift of the Holy Spirit, of spiritual gift, and of the gifts of the Holy Spirit from the Day of Pentecost until the present day. Readings: Acts 2:1-6, Rom 12:1, 4-8, 1 Cor 12:1-13, Eph 4:7-13, 1 Pet 4:10-11. (Message preached in Ballymena, 23rd Mar 2019)
Quench Not the Spirit (51 min)
Elton Fairfield preaches on the New Testament command, “quench not the Spirit”, expanding the concept under three headings: quench not the Spirit’s enlightenment, the Spirit’s encouragement and the Spirit’s empowerment. Reading: 1 Thess 5:16-22 (Message preached in Ballymena on 4th March 2023)
The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit (35 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on the person, work and titles of the Holy Spirit. He emphasises that the Holy Spirit is God, is a real person and is intimately involved in everything to do with the conversion and daily life of the believer in Christ. Titles such as “the Spirit of Christ”, “the Spirit of glory and of God” and “the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead” are discussed (Message preached 23rd Apr 2017)
The Gift of Tongues (35 min)
Jack Hay preaches about the Biblical “gift of tongues”. He explains that it was the God-given unlearned ability to speak in a real foreign language, and that it was a sign to unbelieving Israel. He also explains that the modern gift of tongues is a false thing, totally unrelated to the Biblical gift we read of in Acts and 1 Corinthians (Message preached in Bicester, Easter 15th April 2017)
The Ministry of the Holy Spirit (32 min)
Dan Gillies outlines five references to the Holy Spirit in Ephesians and brings practical teaching to bear on subjects like the sealing, filling and grieving of the Holy Spirit (Message preached at Bicester, Easter 28th March 2005)