Sermons on Distinctive Doctrines - D Gilliland

Sermons on Distinctive Doctrines - D Gilliland

A Nation Unique Among Peoples (58 min)

David Gilliland preaches on “a nation unique among peoples”. In an easy to follow and comprehensive panoramic view of the past, present and future of the nation of Israel, Mr Gilliland shows their uniqueness as a nation, and their place in God’s plan for the ages. Readings: Exod 19:1-7, Rom 9:1-7, 11:12, 25-26a, 29. (Recorded in Northern Ireland in 2005). Photo above: Jaffa, Israel. Complete series: A species unique among creatures A period unique among the ages A gathering unique…

A Book Unique Among Volumes (60 min)

In the fourth message of a series entitled “Distinctive doctrines that divide and decide”, David Gilliland preaches on “a book unique among volumes”. The Bible is unique in a number of ways: its source, its survival, its scrolls, its subject, its similes, its sufficiency, its Saviour, its supernatural prophecies. and its study. Readings: 2 Tim 3:13-5:3a. (Message preached in Northern Ireland in 2005) Complete series: A species unique among creatures A period unique among the ages A gathering unique among…

A Gathering Unique Among Meetings (57 min)

In the third message of a series entitled “Distinctive doctrines that divide and decide”, David Gilliland preaches on “a gathering unique among meetings”. The Lord’s Supper is unique in a number of ways: it is a remembrance, a proclamation, an ordinance, a communion, a supper, a table, a celebration, a foretaste, a test and a gospel. Readings: 1 Cor 10:14-17, 21-22, 11:20-32. (Message preached in Northern Ireland in 2005) Complete series: A species unique among creatures A period unique among…

A Period Unique Among the Ages (58 min)

In the second of a series of messages on “Distinctive doctrines that divide and decide”, David Gilliland preaches on “a period unique among the ages”. The present age, between the first and second coming of Christ, sometimes called “the dispensation of the grace of God”, is unique in many ways connected with the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the church, the preaching of the gospel and prayer. Readings: 2 Thess 2:6-8a, 1 Tim 1:17, 2:6-7, 6:14-16, Titus 2:11-15. (Message preached…

A Species Unique Among Creatures (54 min)

Opening a series of messages entitled “Distinctive doctrines that divide and decide”, David Gilliland preaches on “a species unique among creatures”. The creation of man was deliberate, divine, dignified, designed, dual and double. Readings: Gen 1:24-31, 2:7, 9, 19-20. (Message preached in Northern Ireland in 2005) Complete series: A species unique among creatures A period unique among the ages A gathering unique among meetings A book unique among volumes A nation unique among peoples