Sermons on Big Bible Questions - D Gilliland

Sermons on Big Bible Questions - D Gilliland

What is our hope? (54 min)

PART 4 of 4 – In the last of a series of 4 messages on big Bible questions, David Gilliland preaches on the question “What is our hope?” and takes up the topic of the Christian’s sure hope from various parts of the New Testament. Reading: 1 Thess 2:17-20 (Message preached in Dundonald, 2006) Complete series: 1. What is man? – The question of identity 2. What is truth? – The question of reality 3. What is your life? –…

What is your life? (54 min)

PART 3 of 4 – In the third of a series of 4 messages on big Bible questions, David Gilliland preaches on the question “What is your life?” In a challenging message he urges his audience to assess what they are really living for. “Only one life, ’twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.” Reading: James 5:13-17 (Message preached in Dundonald, 2006) Complete series: 1. What is man? – The question of identity 2. What is…

What is truth? (53 min)

PART 2 of 4 – In the second of a series of 4 messages on big Bible questions, David Gilliland preaches on the question “What is truth?” This is a fundamental question, the answer to which David divides into four: the problems for truth, the phraseology of truth, the pictures of truth, and the profile of truth. A helpful and important message. Reading: John 18:33-40 (Message preached in Dundonald, 2006) Complete series: 1. What is man? – The question of…

What is man? (49 min)

PART 1 of 4 – In the first of a series of 4 messages on big Bible questions, David Gilliland preaches on the question “What is man?” He looks at man in his dignity, a unique and purposeful creation of God. Then, man in his depravity – a creature who now worships the gods of money, sex and power. Then man in his deliverance, his development and ultimately his destiny. Readings: Job 7:17-21, 15:14-16, Psa 8:3-9, Psa 144:3-4, 11-12, Heb…