Sermons on Preparing for University - Various speakers
Economists and Politicians (42 min)
Mervyn Hall examines the history and nature of politics and ecomomics in light of the truth of God’s word, the Bible. Socialism or capitialism, or neither – what does the Bible teach? Starting in the early chapters of Genesis, Mervyn explains that “sin in the heart of man” corrupts the thinking and undermines the efforts of governments both to rule and to manage their finances. He also gives helpful insights into how Christians should view government and the economy and…
Entertainers and the News Media (39 min)
Michael Penfold examines the power and influence of the entertainment industry and the news media. Under the headings of consumption, consequences and cure, he describes a world addicted to “the screen” and the corrosive output of Hollywood. The negative impact of “53 hours a week in front of the screen for the average teenager” on independent thinking, Biblical discernment, good use of time, and holiness, are immense. The cure? Recognise the devil’s strategy and refuse to conform to it…”Walk in…
Ecumenists and Charismatics (39 min)
Michael Penfold examines the history, beliefs and influence of two dangerous forces within Christendom – the Ecumenical and Charismatic Movements. The ideas and assumptions of these closely allied movements have permeated the entire globe and left unprecedented confusion and compromise in their wake. Terms like interdenominationalism, ecumenism, inter-faith and syncretism are defined. Warnings and guidance are given from scripture, combined with an exhortation to “Come out from among them and be separate” (2 Cor 6:17) (Message preached 18th May 2014)
Philosophers and Psychologists (44 min)
David Castles examines “Philosophers and Psychologists” and traces the long downward road of man’s wisdom since the commencement of the “modern period” in the 1600’s down to today’s “post-modern” era. Along the way we come across Hume, Kant, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Sartre, Freud, Maslow and others, whose ideas culminated in the wasteland of the 20th century with its Holocaust on the one hand and pleasure seeking focus on the other. All of this is set over against the absolute truth of…
Materialists and Secularists (41 min)
Mervyn Hall examines “Materialists and Secularists” and unravels the bankruptcy of the godless humanistic worldview that rules University life and Western European society in the 21st century. Referencing Luke 12, he explains that secularists substitute self for God, the body for the soul and time for eternity. He further points out that without God moral absolutes have been swept away, leaving man as his own god in a culture dominated by self and pleasure and heading for judgment (Message preached…