Young People Who Stood for God
Daniel – A Lifetime of Consistently Standing for God (39 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on Daniel who repeatedly, throughout his long life in exile, took a stand for God and truth despite overwhelming pressure from the dangerous and godless culture of Babylon. He refused Babylon’s way of living (Dan 1), its worldview (Dan 2) and its worship (Dan 3). Each victory took shape from the previous one as he formed godly habits of spiritual discipline in a far off land. Mervyn applies these lessons to the challenging times in which we…
Esther – A Queen who Understood the Times (42 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on Queen Esther, who “came to the Kingdom for such a time as this“. How well do we understand the uniquely difficult times in which we live? Ours is the age of “Richard Dawkins, Lady Gaga and”. In other words, for us, “Persian culture” is the inescapable all-pervasive influence of the enlightenment, the sexual revolution and consumerism, both in the world around us and in our pocket. Before we can effectively live for Christ, we need…
David – Making a Mark in Difficult Days (41 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on the young David – the shepherd, the Psalmist and the armour-bearer. God prepared David as a youth for later public service and leadership in the nation of Israel; but first David had to learn to be alone, to be obscure and to rely up on his God. The test of the battle with Goliath in the valley of Elah would prove the value all that David had learned in private in his walk with God: and…
Samuel – Serving God in a Difficult Climate (42 min)
Dan Rudge preaches on the young seer named Samuel, a young man who grew up in a climate that was corrupt and dangerous politically, morally and spiritually. In contrast to the other young men around him, the child Samuel stood out as a faithful devoted servant of the Lord. It’s not easy or popular, especially as a teenager with peer pressure all around, to stand against the spirit of the age – but Samuel’s example encourages us. Readings from 1…
Joseph – A Young Man in a Difficult Situation (36 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on Joseph (from Genesis 37 & 39), a young man who stood for God in difficult circumstances. He overcame the bad influence of older siblings, the unwise favouritism of his father, the betrayal of his brothers and the vice and lies his master’s wife. But perhaps even greater than all of this was his victory over victimhood. He didn’t see himself as a victim. He didn’t fall into self-pity. He trusted in a sovereign God and thereby,…
Standing For God in a Difficult Age (39 min)
Opening a series of biographical studies on young people in the Bible who stood for God in difficult times, Mervyn Hall explains the features of the uniquely difficult “present evil age” in which we now live. He outlines from Scripture 1. the corruption of this age, 2. the charm of this age, and 3. the challenge of this age and gives practical Biblical guidance as to how to walk for God and stand for God at such a time. Readings:…