Types of Christ
A Portrait of Christ in the Song of Solomon (48 min)
Jim Flanigan, who wrote a commentary on the Song of Solomon, preaches a deeply devotional sermon on the well-known “altogether lovely” section of the book (Ch 5:9-6:1). (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete Series on Types and Pictures of Christ in the Old Testament: People (Melchizedek and Aaron) Places (The Tabernacle) Pictures (The Offerings) Prophets (Isaiah) Poetry (Song of Solomon)
Pictures of Christ in Isaiah (45 min)
After explaining how Isaiah is like a miniature Bible, Jim Flanigan preaches on pictures of Christ in Isaiah under three headings: Christ the servant of Jehovah (42:1-4), the solace of his people (41:10) and the shepherd of his flock (40:11). (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete Series on Types and Pictures of Christ in the Old Testament: People (Melchizedek and Aaron) Places (The Tabernacle) Pictures (The Offerings) Prophets (Isaiah) Poetry (Song of Solomon)
The Offerings as Types of Christ (50 min)
Jim Flanigan preaches on the offerings as types of Christ, with a particular emphasis on the meal or grain offering in Leviticus Ch 2, which helps us know how to approach the other principal offerings. Reading: Lev 2:1-3, 11-13. (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete Series on Types and Pictures of Christ in the Old Testament: People (Melchizedek and Aaron) Places (The Tabernacle) Pictures (The Offerings) Prophets (Isaiah) Poetry (Song of Solomon)
The Tabernacle as a Type of Christ (43 min)
Jim Flanigan preaches on the Tabernacle as a type of Christ. He starts at the altar in the court and works his way to the ark in the holy of holies, bringing out the typical teaching along the way. Reading: Exod 40:17-34. (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete Series on Types and Pictures of Christ in the Old Testament: People (Melchizedek and Aaron) Places (The Tabernacle) Pictures (The Offerings) Prophets (Isaiah) Poetry (Song of Solomon)
Aaron as a Type of Christ (47 min)
TYPES OF CHRIST Part 4 – Peter Scarsbrook preaches on Aaron and the office of Israel’s High Priest as a type of Christ. He combines doctrinal content with practical exhortations and encouragements from this fascinating subject (Message preached 2nd Feb 2012)
David as a Type of Christ (43 min)
TYPES OF CHRIST Part 3 – Peter Scarsbrook preaches very helpfully on David – from shepherd boy to King over all Israel – as a choice Old Testament type of Christ, great David’s greater Son (Message preached 26th Jan 2012)
The Ark of the Covenant as a Type of Christ (43 min)
TYPES OF CHRIST Part 2 – Peter Scarsbrook preaches on the ark of the covenant – its construction, purpose, contents and movements. He expounds the ark’s rich typology and explains various lessons to be learnt from it in connection with worship and service (Message preached 19th Jan 2012)
The Manna as a Type of Christ (43 min)
TYPES OF CHRIST Part 1 – Peter Scarsbrook preaches on the Manna that fell in the wilderness during the journey of the Israelites to Canaan. He draws Christ-exalting and practical teaching and lessons from this beautiful Old Testament type (Message preached 12th Jan 2012)