Things That Matter
Why Prayer and Worship Matter (47 min)
Daniel Rudge preaches on the importance of communion with God in prayer, praise and worship. He outlines the priority, privilege, purpose, period, pattern, place and power of prayer. At the end of his message Daniel helpfully touches on the problem of what we sometimes call “unanswered” prayer (Message preached 13th Aug 2015)
Why Holiness Matters (37 min)
After defining what holiness is, Peter Scarsbrook preaches on “Why holiness matters”. This is a vital and wide ranging message that examines the need for holiness in all spheres of life. Peter gives numerous relevant Biblical examples in his message as he outlines helpful scriptural advice and instruction on this neglected subject (Message preached 6th Aug 2015)
Why the Assembly Matters (50 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on “Why the assembly matters”. After defining what a local assembly is, Mervyn outlines three major reasons why the local assembly is so important. Firstly, it is the habitation of God, God’s dwelling place. Secondly, it is the handiwork of God. Thirdly, it is the herald of the truth of God – it exists as the pillar and ground of truth (Message preached 30th July 2015)
Why the Gospel Matters (42 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on “Why the gospel matters”. He outlines a number of features of the gospel that flow from the gospel message’s divine origin: its dignity, its authority, its potency, its verity, its exclusivity, its eternality and its solemnity (Message preached 23rd July 2015)