The Tabernacle Furniture
The Mercy Seat (40 min)
Gary Woods preaches about the Mercy Seat, the golden lid that covered the ark of the covenant. He outlines the piece of furniture, its place in the Tabernacle, its purpose, the part it played on the day of atonement, and finally, the person of whom it speaks. He outlines the concept of atonement and propitiation and explains how the work of Christ at the Cross and his current position in heaven is the fulfilment of the type of the day…
The Ark of the Covenant (39 min)
Ian Jackson preaches about the Ark of the Covenant that stood in the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle of Moses. He sees it as a picture of the risen exalted Christ presently “sitting where only God can sit” in the throne in heaven. The Ark of the Covenant, with its acacia wood overlaid with gold, is a clear and powerful picture of the humanity and deity of Christ – two whole and perfect natures in One glorious Person (Message…
The Golden Altar (37 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches about the Golden Altar that stood in the holy place in the Tabernacle, which typifies the High Priestly ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ now in heaven on behalf of His people. From the details of the construction, shape, position and use of the altar, Mervyn highlights features of Christ’s succouring, sympathising and supplicating work as our Great High Priest (Message preached Dec 11th 2016)
The Golden Lampstand (34 min)
Michael Penfold preaches about the Tabernacle’s “golden lampstand”. This glorious item in the Tabernacle helps us to appreciate the glory of Christ’s person, His position, His people and His Spirit. Details are given concerning its location, composition, construction, composition and function. This ornate, expensive and weighty piece of Tabernacle furniture contains much precious typology for our meditation (Message preached Nov 13th 2016)
The Table of Showbread (58 min)
Tom Bentley preaches about the Tabernacle’s “table of showbread”. He sets out the details of its construction and positioning, and gives the practical and typical lessons that can be learnt from it. Readings: Exod 25:23-30, 26:34-35, Lev 24:5-9.
The Laver (40 min)
Mervyn Hall takes up the subject of the Laver and underlines its typological meaning for the Christian today. He refers to its use in the once-off washing of the Priests at their consecration and likens that to the “washing of regeneration” in Titus 3:5. He then looks at the continual daily washing at the Laver prior to priestly service and highlights the need for us to be continually clean, by the “washing of the water of the word” mentioned in…
The Brazen Altar (41 min)
Michael Penfold preaches about the largest piece of furniture in the Tabernacle of Moses – the brazen altar. He explains the significance of the picture of the altar, its position in the Tabernacle, its properties and its parts. Numerous lessons are drawn out about the person and work of Christ from this glorious type outlined in Exodus 27 (Message given Oct 9th 2016)