The Mind

The Mind

Our Minds and Our Hardships (39 min)

In the last instalment of a 7-part series on “the Christian mind”, Dr. A.J. Higgins takes up the issue of trials and hardships and how they affect our minds. He does so from the life of Job. Readings: Job 29:1-25, 30:1, 9, 16, 24, 42:9-17. (Message preached in Iowa, USA, 2004) Complete series: Our minds and our hearts Our minds and our holiness Our minds and our helpfulness Our minds and our homes Our minds and our hot-headedness Our minds…

Our Minds and our Hopelessness (Depression) (52 min)

In the sixth instalment of a 7-part series on “the Christian mind”, Dr. A.J. Higgins takes up the issue of depression and God’s “repair for our despair”. The story of Elijah running for his life in 1 Kings 19:1-19a is the Scripture passage under consideration. (Message preached in Iowa, USA, 2004) Complete series: Our minds and our hearts Our minds and our holiness Our minds and our helpfulness Our minds and our homes Our minds and our hot-headedness Our minds…

Our Minds and Our Hot-headedness (50 min)

In the fifth instalment of a 7-part series on “the Christian mind”, Dr. A.J. Higgins takes up the issue of anger, one of the works of the flesh. He takes up Jonah’s anger in Jonah Ch 4 and gives scriptural counsel on dealing with anger and becoming less hot-headed and more controlled in our minds. (Message preached in Iowa, USA, 2004) Complete series: Our minds and our hearts Our minds and our holiness Our minds and our helpfulness Our minds…

Our Minds and Our Homes (51 min)

In the fourth instalment of a 7-part series on “the Christian mind”, Dr. A.J. Higgins emphasises the incredibly important impact of our thinking on marriage, family and the home. Readings: Eph 5:21-6:4, Heb 13:4. (Message preached in Iowa, USA, 2004) Complete series: Our minds and our hearts Our minds and our holiness Our minds and our helpfulness Our minds and our homes Our minds and our hot-headedness Our minds and our hopelessness Our minds and our hardships

Our Minds and Our Helpfulness (52 min)

In the third instalment of a 7-part series on “the Christian mind”, Dr. A.J. Higgins explains what it is to have the mind of Christ. It will make us helpful harmonious people, willing to serve others, and not standing on ceremony demanding apologies and making sure we get our pound of flesh. Reading: Eph 4:25-32, Phil 2:2-8, 1 Cor 13:4-7. (Message preached in Iowa, USA, 2004) Complete series: Our minds and our hearts Our minds and our holiness Our minds…

Our Minds and Our Holiness (46 min)

In the second instalment of a 7-part series on “the Christian mind”, Dr. A.J. Higgins explains the importance of the Christian mind in living a holy life. What fills our minds directs our feet and regulates our lives. You are what you think. Reading: Gen 1:1-3, 31, Prov 4:23, 16:32, 25:28, Eph 4:23-5:16. (Message preached in Iowa, USA, 2004) Complete series: Our minds and our hearts Our minds and our holiness Our minds and our helpfulness Our minds and our…

Our Minds and Our Hearts (53 min)

In the first instalment of a 7-part series on “the Christian mind”, Dr. A.J. Higgins explains what the Bible means when it talks about “the mind”, i.e. a person’s non-material being, made up of intellect, emotion and will. How does a Christian’s mind differ from that of an unbeliever? Reading: Psa 139:23-24. (Message preached in Iowa, USA, 2004) Complete series: Our minds and our hearts Our minds and our holiness Our minds and our helpfulness Our minds and our homes…