The Local Assembly
Assembly Discipline (36 min)
Michael Penfold speaks on the subject of “assembly discipline”. He covers a number of different types of assembly discipline, before concentrating on the two issues that call for excommunication – serious moral evil, and serious doctrinal error. He lists a number of Biblical reasons why assembly discipline is necessary, outlining its role and purpose (Message preached June 2016)
Stewardship and the Local Assembly (44 min)
Leslie Craig preaches on the responsibilities, requirements and the review of the stewardship given to Christians. From Luke 16, 1 Cor 4, Titus 1 and 1 Peter 3, Mr Craig shows that all Christians are stewards – of time, of love, of property and of gift – and will answer to God one day for how we handled the responsibility He put into our hands (Message preached June 2016)
Membership and the Local Assembly (41 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on membership of the local assembly from 1 Corinthians 12. Concepts of necessity, equality, unity and diversity are brought out in connection with the metaphor of the body. The topic is dealt with under three headings: foundation, figure and fruition. Practical teaching is given relative to gift in the assembly (Message preached May 2016)
Lordship and the Local Assembly (37 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on the many vital ways in which the “Lordship of Christ” affects the local assembly, all drawn from the first epistle to the Corinthians. He spends the first half of his message distinguishing between the Biblical concepts of “headship” and “lordship”, before expanding on the ramifications of Christ’s lordship over the assembly (Message preached May 2016)
Headship and the Local Assembly (50 min)
“Should women wear head coverings?” is a hugely significant question. It involves, among other things, the great doctrine of headship, the inspiration of Scripture, the distinction between the genders of male and female, and local church order. In this helpful message, David Gilliland sets out to answer what headship is, why women should wear head coverings, and what the head covering symbolises. In the process he answers questions like “Why does Paul seem to contradict himself between 1 Cor 11:5…
How Does an Assembly Function? (38 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches from 1 Corinthians Ch 3 and highlights the three metaphors for the local assembly in the chapter – God’s husbandry, God’s building and God’s temple. After expounding the background to the chapter, Mervyn develops numerous principles essential to the proper, unified and scriptural functioning of a local assembly (Message preached 8th May 2016)
Assembly Fellowship and Reception (42 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on the fact, focus and function of assembly fellowship. He stresses that believers are not “received to the breaking of bread” but rather “to the whole assembly”, with all of its privileges and responsibilities. Being received into an assembly means “continuing stedfastly” in the apostles’ doctrine, the breaking of bread, the fellowship and the prayers (Acts 2:42). It’s a matter of conviction, not convenience! (Message preached May 2016)
Governmental Order in the Assembly (44 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on leadership – the role, the appointment, the qualifications and the work of elders/overseers/shepherds in the local assembly. Biblical assembly leadership is always by a plurality of elders, raised up within the assembly by the Holy Spirit, and fitted for their role by their character, attitude, gift and labours, all of which is outlined in this message (Message preached Apr 2016)
7 Purposes for the Local Assembly (38 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on 7 reasons why a local assembly exists. It exists for God’s glory, to manifest His presence, to exhibit divine design, to administer divine authority, to display divine order, to proclaim divine truth and to fulfil the divine commission. Listen for an explanation of why denominational names – Presbyterian, Wesleyan, Lutheran etc. – are both too narrow and too wide at one and the same time (Message preached Apr 2016)