The Bible's Contents; Capabilities & Critics
Fatherhood – A Leader in the Home (38 min)
Gary Woods speaks on the role of a father as outlined in various Bible passages, notably 1 Timothy Ch 3. Much profitable and practical teaching is given relative to leadership, love and the challenge of balancing home, assembly and work life. Wisdom is needed in rearing a family for God especially with the financial, social and technological pressures of the 21st Century Western world (Message preached 14th Feb 2016)
The Bible and Its Critics (35 min)
PART 3. Peter Scarsbrook preaches on “The Bible and Its Critics”. He traces 2,000 years of attacks on the Bible from ritualists, philosophers, scientists, historians, sects and scoffers and refutes them all (Message preached 18th December 2008)
The Bible and Its Capabilities (41 min)
PART 2. Peter Scarsbrook preaches on “The Bible and Its Capabilities”. The Bible is able to convict, convert, cleanse, counsel and comfort. An excellent, uplifting word of ministry (Message preached 11th December 2008)
The Bible and Its Contents (39 min)
PART 1. Peter Scarsbrook preaches on “The Bible and Its Contents”. He gives a broad outline of early Genesis before tracing four threads through the Bible – humanity, Israel, the Messiah and the church (Message preached 4th December 2008)