The Bible; The Family; and Society

The Bible; The Family; and Society

Should Christians Vote? (37 min)

Michael Penfold takes up the subject of the Christian’s attitude to the government, society and culture. What are the Biblical responsibilities and duties of Christians with regard to “the powers that be”? Should Christians be politically involved – voting, campaigning and protesting? (Recorded 13th Mar 2016)

Honouring Parents (43 min)

Mervyn Hall outlines the duties and responsibilities of children toward their parents in three stages – dependence (at home), independence (leaving home) and interdependence (once married). This message includes a detailed look at Ephesians 6:1-2 (Message preached 6th Mar 2016)

The Christian in the Workplace (37 min)

Peter Scarsbrook preaches on “honouring your master” and looks at the very practical subject of “the Christian in the workplace”. What kind of career should a Christian take up? How can a Christian have a good testimony at work? What temptations are there in the work place? How should a Christian act in relation to Trade Unions, Christmas parties, and other issues of conscience? A helpful and wide-ranging message (Message preached 28th Feb 2016)

Motherhood – A Guide in the Home (38 min)

Norman Mellish speaks on the subject of “Motherhood”.  Basing his comments on Titus 2:2-3, Norman looks at six homes in the Bible and draws practical lessons about motherhood from each one. He highlights the danger of favouritism, the duty of protection and education, and the influence of godly devotion and prayer. A helpful message based on Scripture, with the benefit of decades of parental experience (Message given 20th Mar 2016)

The Christian Wife (37 min)

Daniel Rudge speaks on “the Christian wife”. Under the headings of her dignity, duty, disposition, dress and devotion, Daniel gives a balanced and comprehensive look at the character and role of Christian woman within marriage. He explains the scriptural meaning of equality, submission and virtue, and addresses pertinent points relative to how modern culture throws up challenges for the married Christian woman (Message preached 7th Feb 2016)

Singleness and Courtship (35 min)

Michael Penfold speaks on the topic of singleness and courtship/dating. After a look at a number of issues around singleness, 7 words are emphasised in relation to seeking the Lord’s will concerning a marriage partner: dependence, patience, obedience, intelligence, guidance, prudence and vigilance. This message touches on a number of practical and topical issues including ‘dating’, social networking and parental involvement (Recorded 24th Jan 2016)

The Foundational Nature of the Family (30 min)

Mervyn Hall introduces a series on “the Bible and the family”. He explains that the family is the foundation of humanity, the organisation at the heart of society, and is intimately bound up in what God is doing in the present dispensation in the church. In a wide ranging message, the importance and centrality of the family to all of God’s purposes is outlined (Message preached 10th Jan 2016)