Studying the Bible
How to Study the Bible (44 min)
Mervyn Hall gives a hands-on demonstration – using 2 Tim 2:15-16 – of how to study the Bible. (Graphics here and here). 1st: Divide the text (punctuation, conjunctions, verbs, participles, prepositions etc.). 2nd: Organise the text (flow and main point). 3rd: Probe the text (note the context, culture, history, and examine grammar). 4th: Synthesise the text (pull together and check for consistency with the rest of Scripture). (Recorded 18th Mar 2018)
The Power of Scripture Memorisation (40 min)
John Dennison preaches on the temptation of Christ in the wilderness and, based on how the Lord quoted Deuteronomy three times from memory, prefixed by “It is written”, urges his audience to memorise scripture, to be able to withstand the temptations of Satan with the same rebuke. A challenging message. (Message preached 4th April 2010)
Meditating on the Word of God (49 min)
John Dennison preaches a message on “a holy man and a holy book” from Psalm 1. He issues his audience with a challenge to become men and women who meditate on the word of God (Message preached 1st April 2010)