Gospel Communication
How to Deliver a Gospel Sermon (48 min)
Michael Penfold speaks on how to deliver a gospel message. Preachers should preach with authority, dignity, sensitivity, simplicity, clarity, cogency, authenticity, solemnity, intensity and fervency. Advice is given on how to maintain attention throughout; opening and closing in prayer; time-keeping; the use of notes; gestures; eye contact and the use of the human voice. Reading: Ecc 12:10-11. (Recorded in Bury St Edmunds Gospel Hall, Suffolk, UK, 11th May 2024) The “Glorious Gospel” series: Its Method – Is Gospel Preaching Still…
How To Prepare a Gospel Sermon (44 min)
Michael Penfold speaks on preparing to preach the gospel – preparing the preacher, and preparing the sermon. He outlines the three main genres of sermon before discussing the preparation process and how to structure messages. Readings: Rom 1:16-17, 1 Cor 2:1-5, 1 Tim 4:13-16, 2 Tim 3:15, 4:1-5. (Recorded in Bury St Edmunds Gospel Hall, Suffolk, UK, 11th May 2024) The “Glorious Gospel” series: Its Method – Is Gospel Preaching Still Relevant? Its Message – The Three “R’s” of the…
What Are The Three “R’s” of the Gospel? (30 min)
Michael Penfold gives a 3-fold proof from Scripture that the gospel consists of three “R’s” – man’s ruin, God’s remedy, and man’s responsibility. In this sermon, the three R’s are expanded, with particular attention paid to the subjects of repentance and faith. Readings: Mark 16.16, Luke 24:46-47, Acts 2:37-38a, 20:21, 24-25, 1 Cor 15:3-4. (Recorded in Bury St Edmunds Gospel Hall, Suffolk, UK, 11th May 2024) The “Glorious Gospel” series: Its Method – Is Gospel Preaching Still Relevant? Its Message…
Is Gospel Preaching Still Relevant? (42 min)
Michael Penfold takes up the subject of “the divine method of communication”. In an era when many are arguing that politics, social work and the performing arts are the key methods for spreading the gospel, Michael contends that preaching is still the divine method. If you think “preaching doesn’t work any more”, you need to listen to this message. Readings: Mark 16.15-16, Acts 10.42, Rom 10.14-15a. (Recorded in Bury St Edmunds Gospel Hall, Suffolk, UK, 11th May 2024) The “Glorious…