Future Events
VIDEO: An Appointment with the Almighty (48 min)
In the twelfth part of a series of videos on what the Bible says about future events for the human race, Eugene Higgins (New Jersey, USA) presents a message about the final judgment of all the wicked dead at “the great white throne” (Preached in Jackson, Michigan, USA). Here is a copy of Mr Higgins chart:
VIDEO: Earth’s Future Golden Age (47 min)
In the eleventh part of a series of videos on what the Bible says about future events for the human race, Eugene Higgins (New Jersey, USA) explains what ‘the Millennium’ – the 1,000 year reign of Christ – is all about. (Preached in Jackson, Michigan, USA). Here is a copy of Mr Higgins chart:
VIDEO: The King is Coming Back (46 min)
In the tenth part of a series of videos on what the Bible says about future events for the human race, Eugene Higgins (New Jersey, USA) explains the great event known as the second advent of Christ – when He returns to earth to inaugurate His kingdom and reign supreme over the world that presently ignores and rejects Him. (Preached in Jackson, Michigan, USA). Here is a copy of Mr Higgins chart:
VIDEO: Spotlight on Babylon (46 min)
In the ninth part of a series of videos on what the Bible says about future events for the human race, Eugene Higgins (New Jersey, USA) highlights the two notable end-time cities – Babylon and the New Jerusalem – and contrasts their history, occupants and destinies. (Preached in Jackson, Michigan, USA). Here is a copy of Mr Higgins chart:
VIDEO: The Coming World Ruler – Anti-God, Anti-Christ, Anti-you (43 min)
In the eighth part of a series of videos on what the Bible says about future events for the human race, Eugene Higgins (New Jersey, USA) reveals what the Bible has to say about the coming world ruler, known widely as the antichrist, whose number is 666. (Preached in Jackson, Michigan, USA). Here is a copy of Mr Higgins chart:
VIDEO: Galloping Global Grief (44 min)
In the seventh part of a series of videos on what the Bible says about future events for the human race, Eugene Higgins (New Jersey, USA) outlines the incredible details – from Matthew’s gospel and John’s Revelation – of the catastrophic events that will hit the earth at the end of the age. (Preached in Jackson, Michigan, USA). Here is a copy of Mr Higgins chart:
VIDEO: War in the Middle East (48 min)
In the sixth part of a series of videos on what the Bible says about future events for the human race, Eugene Higgins (New Jersey, USA) speaks on the topic of “war in the Middle East” and explains how that Israel will be attacked in the tribulation but will ultimately be delivered by the returning Messiah. (Preached in Jackson, Michigan, USA). Here is a copy of Mr Higgins chart:
VIDEO: Israel: Past, Present and Future (43 min)
In the fifth part of a series of videos on what the Bible says about future events for the human race, Eugene Higgins (New Jersey, USA) speaks on the topic of “Israel”. He explains how Israel began, and how in 1948, after nearly 2,000 years Israel became a nation again. Mr Higgins then describes the wars of 1948, 1967 and 1973, before jumping forward to the greatest battle of all, the battle of Armageddon. When Christ appears at the battle…
VIDEO: The Rapture (38 min)
In the fourth part of a series of videos on what the Bible says about future events for the human race, Eugene Higgins (New Jersey, USA) speaks on the topic of “the rapture”, the moment when the Lord Jesus returns from heaven to take believers up to meet him in the air, and then go the “the Father’s house” (heaven). Will you be taken up, or left behind to face the wrath of God during the great tribulation? (Preached in…
VIDEO: Heaven and Hell (36 min)
In the third part of a series of videos on what the Bible says about future events for the human race, Eugene Higgins (New Jersey, USA) speaks on the only two destinies facing humanity – heaven or hell – from two back to back chapters in the Bible: Luke 15 and 16. Where will you spend eternity? Readings: Luke 15:1-7, 9-10, 22-24, 32. (Preached in Jackson, Michigan, USA). Here is a copy of Mr Higgins chart:
VIDEO: What’s Wrong with the World? (37 min)
In the second part of a series of videos on what the Bible says about future events for the human race, Eugene Higgins (New Jersey, USA) takes up the subject of “what’s wrong with the human race”, in which he looks at the root problem of sin, speaking from Romans 5:12 and 1 Timothy 1:15. (Preached in Jackson, Michigan, USA). Here is a copy of Mr Higgins chart:
VIDEO: It’s The Road, Not Your Religion (32 min)
In the first part of a series of videos on what the Bible says about future events for the human race, Eugene Higgins (New Jersey, USA) takes up the subject of “the 2 roads and the 2 destinies”. The Lord Jesus Christ revealed the fact that all of us are either on the broad road to hell or the narrow road to heaven. Which road are you on? When did you start on the narrow road? (Preached in Jackson, Michigan,…