Egypt to Canaan (Grant)
Egypt to Canaan (Part 7)
PART 7 of 7 – In the final part of this series, John Grant preaches a message on the group of tribal kings that set out to try and stop Israel entering the land. The king of Edom, Sihon king of the Amorites, Og king of Bashan and others. These kings represent enemies that try to defeat us in our Christian walk and progress, enemies such as the flesh, materialism, ease and strife. Another powerful and helpful study from author…
Egypt to Canaan Part 6 (52 min)
PART 6 of 7 – John Grant takes up the story of Korah’s rebellion in Numbers 16, the only incident recorded in the 38 years between Israel’s refusal to enter the land, and their eventual recommencing of the journey to Canaan. How solemn. 38 years with nothing of value for God. Mr Grant warns of the danger of prayerless, worshipless and powerless Christians in our own day and draws numerous practical lessons from this important passage of Scripture. Reading: Num…
Egypt to Canaan – Part 5 (47 min)
PART 5 of 7 – Another mighty message from John Grant in his series dealing with the journey of Israel from Egypt to the Promised Land. In this session he takes up the heart-breaking story of Israel’s refusal to go into the land, even though they saw the grapes and heard the exhortations of Caleb and Joshua. They did not go in because of fear and unbelief, more influenced by the 10 other spies. Mr Grant draws out the lessons…
Egypt to Canaan – Part 4 (58 min)
PART 4 of 7 – John Grant continues his series of sermons on the journey of Israel from Egypt to the Promised Land by looking at the “preparations for the journey” that God outlined for Moses and the people in the early chapters of Numbers. God gave them a number of responsibilities as follows: Numbers Ch 1 – The responsibility for combat; Ch 2 the responsibility to camp; Chs 3-4 the responsibility to carry; Chs 5-8 the responsibility to be…
Egypt to Canaan – Part 3 (58 min)
PART 3 of 7 – John Grant continues his series on the journey of Israel from Egypt to the Promised Land. On night 1 Israel doubted the promise of God. Night 2 Israel doubted the provision of God. Now on night 3, John preaches on Massah and Meribah where Israel murmured and doubted the presence of God. Says Mr Grant: “There’s nothing worse in an assembly than a bunch of murmurers”! Lessons are drawn from the smiting of the rock,…
Egypt to Canaan – Part 2 (57 min)
PART 2 of 7 – John Grant takes up the story of the “manna from heaven”, that came at the 7th of 44 stopping places on the way from Egypt to Canaan. As Israel moved through their journey, God repeatedly tested their faith. The test this time was “Can God furnish a table in the wilderness?”. When your resources dry up, and when you stand in need of help, do you believe that God can meet that need? Mr Grant…
Egypt to Canaan – Part 1 (49 min)
PART 1 of 7 – John Grant begins a series of messages on the journey of the children of Israel “from Egypt to Canaan”. After looking generally at a number of journeys in Scripture he introduces his subject. Deliverance from Egypt (the penalty of sin) was followed by the crossing of the Red Sea (the power of sin). Israel’s journey began with a song of redemption but also with an impossible situation into which God put them to prove them…