Distinguishing Things That Differ
Priests vs Bishops (30 min)
Mervyn Hall traces the meaning of the words ‘priest’ and ‘bishop’ and shows that the ‘religious view’ is far from the biblical truth. He underlines that priesthood in the New Testament is not linked to genealogy, gender or gift, but is something bestowed on all Christians; while the role of a bishop is undertaken by those who are spiritually mature and shepherd minded (Message preached 7th July 2013)
Day of Christ vs The Day of the Lord (27 min)
Mervyn Hall distinguishes between the “day of the Lord” and the “day of Christ”. In doing so he outlines 4 major “days” of scripture: the day of man (now), the day of the Lord, the day of Christ, and the day of God (the eternal state). He outlines the subjects, the sphere, the scope and the sequence of these days (Message preached 30th June 2013)
Conclusion – Things That Differ (27 min)
Michael Penfold concludes the series with a look at some fine distinctions in the Bible, such as, ‘the second man’ and ‘the last Adam’; ‘the righteousness of God’, and ‘righteousness from God’; ‘the fulness of time’ and ‘the fulness of times’; ‘the age to come’ and ‘the ages to come’ etc. (Message preached 14th July 2013)
Hades vs Gehenna (21 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on the difference between “hell” (hades) and the “lake of fire” (gehenna). The former is temporary and for souls; the latter eternal for “body and soul”. He also deals with the errors of soul sleep and annihilationism. In closing he urges the continued preaching of eternal punishment, quoting from Jonathan Edwards sermon “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” as an example (Message preached 23rd June 2013)
The Judgment Seat vs The Great White Throne (29 min)
Mervyn Hall expounds on the distinction between between the judgment seat of Christ for believers, which takes place in heaven after the rapture of the church, and the great white throne for the wicked dead, which takes place after the Millennium, at the time of the world’s end. He also deals with the “judgment of the living nations” at the end of the tribulation (Message preached 16th June 2013)
The First vs the Second Resurrection (25 min)
Michael Penfold distinguishes between the first and second resurrections. The choice between a-millennialism and pre-millennialism can be rightly said to hang on this crucial question. Four proofs are given that there are two future separate physical resurrections of the dead. These resurrections are separated by 1,000 literal years (Message preached 9th June 2013)
Tribulation vs the Great Tribulation (26 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on the distinction between personal tribulation and “prophetic tribulation”. That is, the trials of Christians here and now, compared with “the great tribulation” that occurs during Daniel’s 70th week, after the rapture of the church. He helpfully distinguishes between the first and second halves of the tribulation as well (Message preached 2nd June 2013)
The Rapture vs the Manifestation (24 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on the distinctions between the rapture of the church on the one hand and the Lord’s second coming to earth on the other. He explains the difference between pre-, post- and a-Millennialism. He also distinguishes between pre- and post-tribulationism, contending that the church will not go through the tribulation (Message preached 26th May 2013)
Male and Female Roles in the Local Assembly (23 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on the different roles of men and women in a local New Testament assembly. He discusses the distinctions in role, remit and responsibility that are outlined in passages such as 1 Corinthians Ch 14 and 1 Timothy Ch 2. The topics of subjection vs authority and silence vs speaking are examined in the light of scripture (Message preached 12th May 2013)
The Church vs the Kingdom (26 min)
PART 20 – Michael Penfold preaches on the distinction between the kingdom and the church. He explains the two aspects of the Kingdom of God – the “universal” kingdom, and the “mediatorial” kingdom and traces their history from Genesis to Revelation. Is there a difference between the “kingdom of God” and the “kingdom of heaven”? Are Christians of the present day in the kingdom? These and other questions are addressed (Message preached 5th May 2013)
The Body of Christ vs the Local Assembly (20 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on the distinctions between the “church which is His body” (Matt 16, Eph 5) and the “church of God at…” (a local assembly, Matt 18, 1 Cor 1:2). These are the only two aspects of “the church” that the New Testament envisages and a clear understanding of this fact will preserve from denominational confusion (Message preached 7th April 2013)
Baptism in the Spirit vs Filling of the Spirit (26 min)
Michael Penfold distinguishes between the “baptism in the Spirit” and the “filling of the Spirit”. He points out that while the baptism in the Spirit is not a post-conversion “second experience” that believers should look for, the filling of the Spirit is something constantly expected of all Christians (Message preached 24th March 2013)
Backsliding vs Apostasy (23 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on the difference between “backsliding” and “apostasy”. Though strictly an Old Testament term, backsliding is a self-centred condition of heart that can be experienced by genuine believers. Apostasy however, is a deliberate, wilful turning away from the understood truth of Christ and His gospel, and is a sin only ever committed by unbelievers – people who were never truly saved (e.g. Heb 6:4-6, 2 Pet 2:22). (Message preached 10th Mar 2013)
Judicial vs Parental Forgiveness (29 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on the difference between “judicial forgiveness”, which a sinner receives once for all at conversion, and “parental forgiveness” which the Christian receives throughout life as sins are confessed regularly. The former forms a “union” between the sinner and Christ; the latter restores “communion” between the child of God and his Father, through the ministry of Christ his high priest and advocate (Message preached 3rd Mar 2013)
Natural, Carnal and Spiritual (25 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on the distinctions between the three categories of persons in 1 Cor 2-3: “the natural man”, “the carnal man” and “the spiritual man”. He explains that, in the context, “the carnal man” refers not to a set category of “backslidden Christians” who show no evidence of salvation, but to believers in fellowship in the assembly at Corinth who were thinking and acting according to human wisdom (Message preached 17th Feb 2013)
State vs Standing (30 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on the distinction between the Christian’s “state” and his “standing”. That is to say, “What I am in Christ positionally” on the one hand, and “Where I am in my daily experience and walk with the Lord” on the other. This is a vital teaching for a believer to grasp and one that permeates the epistles of the New Testament (Message preached 10th Feb 2013)
The Old Man vs the Flesh (22 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on the distinction between “the old man” and “the flesh”. From its 3 references in Rom 6, Eph 4 and Col 3 “the old man” is seen to be what we were in Adam prior to conversion (our “old standing”), whereas the “flesh” is the evil principle within (our “old nature”) (Message preached 3rd Feb 2013)
Son of God vs Child of God (27 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on the distinction between the Biblical concepts of the Christian as a “child of God” and a “son of God”. He distinguishes between being born into the family of God as a child by regeneration, and being placed in the family of God as a son by adoption (Message preached Jan 20th 2013)
Justification by Faith vs by Works (24 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on the distinction between justification by faith (Romans 3) and justification by works (James 2). He explains why “faith alone” in Romans is a good thing, while “faith alone” in James is a bad thing. In summary, faith alone justifies, but the faith that justifies is never alone (Message preached 6th Jan 2013)
Justification vs Propitiation (28 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on the difference between propitiation – the basis of salvation – and justification, redemption and reconciliation, the blessings of salvation. He explains that through the death of Christ, God has been propitiated and as a result sinners can be justified, redeemed and reconciled (Message preached 9th Dec 2012)
Under Law vs Under Grace (28 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on the difference between being “under law” and “under grace”. He exposes an error of Reformed theology which maintains that Christians are still under the law for sanctification, though not for salvation. The Christian’s true “rule of life” is explained (Message preached 2nd Dec 2012)
Grace vs Works (28 min)
Mervyn Hall outlines the difference between grace and works. He explains that grace and works are mutually exclusive with regards to personal salvation. This is a vital topic that is widely misunderstood in the world and within Christendom (Message preached 25th Nov 2012)
Sin in Principle vs Sins Personal (28 min)
Michael Penfold outlines the differences between sin in principle and individual personal sins. What I am in Adam (sinful self, the root) and what I have done (sins, the fruit) must be distinguished. Adam’s sin introduced death; our own sins lead to hell. Sins may be forgiven, but sin in principle can only ever be condemned (Message preached 18th Nov 2012)
The Wisdom of God vs the Wisdom of Men (29 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on the vital need to distinguish between the wisdom of God and the wisdom of men. The entire Christian worldview flows from a proper understanding of this distinction which Mervyn outlines from 1 Cor 1:17-25. A foundational message (Message preached 11th Nov 2012)
Faith vs the Faith (25 min)
Michael Penfold outlines the difference between personal faith and the faith, the sacred body of truth known as the apostles’ doctrine, and ultimately the entire Bible. Personal faith, however, is that trust and confidence exercised savingly in Christ at conversion and thereafter daily as the Christian walks by faith. True faith is contrasted to false faith (Message preached 4th Nov 2012)
Introduction – Things that Differ (26 min)
Michael Penfold introduces a series of messages that will focus on the vital need to distinguish between “things that differ” in the Bible. He gives 4 examples of common yet confusing errors that stem from failing to differentiate between, for example, the Biblical concepts of “standing and state” and “the church and the kingdom” (Message preached 21st Oct 2012)