Bible Wells
Jacob’s Well Compared to the Lord Jesus’s Well (59 min)
“Drawing Water from Bible Wells” – Part 6 – David Gilliland preaches on the story of the Lord Jesus, weary with His journey, sitting on Jacob’s well and revealing Himself to the woman of Samaria. After a look at the theme of water in the Gospel of John. Mr Gilliland draws contrasts between Jacob’s well and “Jesus’s well” – the living water that springs up on the inside of believers in Christ. Reading: John 4:1-7. (Message preached in Portavogie, Northern…
A Refreshing Well in the Wilderness (53 min)
“Drawing Water from Bible Wells” – Part 5 – David Gilliland preaches on well at Beer, where Israel drank refreshing water on their way to the land of promise. Israel’s hinderances included death, defeat, discouragement, and dearth. The dearth was overcome by the well at Beer; a well connected with a gift, a gathering, a getting, and a gladness. Readings: Num 20:22, 28-29, 21:1-3, 10-13, 16-20, 24, 33, 35, 22:1. (Message preached in Portavogie, Northern Ireland) Complete Series: The well…
The Royal Significance of the Gihon Spring (50 min)
“Drawing Water from Bible Wells” – Part 4 – David Gilliland preaches on the topic of the Gihon Spring and items connected with it – a gutter, a conduit, a tunnel (Hezekiah’s) and a pool (Siloam). Gihon: the area of it, the abundance of it and the royal associations of it. Readings: 2 Sam 5:6-8, 1 Kings 1:33-39, 45, 2 Chron 32:1-6, 30, Isa 7:1-4, 14, 8:5-8, John 9:10-11. (Message preached in Portavogie, Northern Ireland) Complete Series: The well of…
The Vital Work of Digging Wells (55 min)
“Drawing Water from Bible Wells” – Part 3 – David Gilliland preaches on the story of the digging of wells in the days of Isaac. He outlines the essentials, enemies, example, environment and enthusiasm of digging wells. Pilgrims have tents of witness, priest have altars of worship and pastors have wells of water. Are you willing to do the hard work of digging to bring refreshment for the people of God? Reading: Genesis 26. (Message preached in Portavogie, Northern Ireland)…
The Well of Him that Liveth and Seeth Me (56 min)
“Drawing Water from Bible Wells” – Part 2 – David Gilliland preaches on the well Lahai-roi – “the well of Him that liveth and seeth me.” He outlines the territory, terms and titles of the well where God revealed Himself to Hagar. She found Him to be a seeking, searching, sensitive, sovereign, seeing and speaking God. Readings: Gen 16:6-14, 25:7-11. (Message preached in Portavogie Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland) Complete Series: The well of Bethlehem (Soldiers at the well) The well…
The Well of Bethlehem (43 min)
“Drawing Water from Bible Wells” – Part 1 – David Gilliland preaches on the story of three of David’s mighty men breaking through the army of the Philistines to fetch David a drink from the well of Bethlehem, and draws out lessons therefrom. Reading: 2 Sam 23:13-17. (Message preached in Portavogie, Northern Ireland) Complete Series: The well of Bethlehem (Soldiers at the well) The well of Him that liveth and seeth me (Slave-girl at the well) The vital work of…