Assembly Questions
Is the Ministry of Women Public? (61 min)
PART 6 of 6 – In the final part of a series of 6 messages on “Questions about the assembly”, Tom Bentley (1924-2011) answers the question, “Is the ministry of women public?” He takes up the three main passages about this issue in the New Testament and then divides his remarks up into three sections: women in the creation of God, women in the revelation of God, and women in the administration of God. Readings: 1 Cor 11:1-16, 14:26, 34-40,…
Is Occasional Fellowship Scriptural? (62 min)
PART 5 of 6 – In the fifth of a series of 6 messages on “Questions about the assembly”, Tom Bentley (1924-2011) answers the question, “Is occasional fellowship scriptural?” Taking up the subject of assembly reception, Mr Bentley asks two pertinent sub-questions: 1. Who should be received? and 2. To what is a person received? A helpful examination, from an experienced missionary and Bible teacher, of an often contentious issue. Readings: Acts 9:26-30, Rom 16:1-2, 1 Cor 16:1-4, 2 Cor…
Is the Local Assembly Democratic? (57 min)
PART 4 of 6 – In the fourth of a series of 6 messages on “Questions about the assembly”, Tom Bentley (1924-2011) answers the question, “Is the local assembly democratic?” After looking at various forms of “church government” used in Christendom today, Mr Bentley spells out divine order as it relates to scriptural local assembly government and leadership. Readings: Acts 20:25-28, 1 Thess 5:12-14, 1 Tim 3:1-4, Heb 13:7, 17, 24, 1 Pet 5:1-4 (Message preached in Whitehouse Gospel Hall,…
Is the Local Assembly Autonomous? (63 min)
PART 3 of 6 – In the third of a series of 6 messages on “Questions about the assembly”, Tom Bentley (1924-2011) answers the question, “Is the local assembly autonomous?” The opposite of autonomy is confederation; which is what sadly can be seen in various parts of the world as assemblies centralise to form confederacies and denominations. Mr Bentley ably teaches the vital principle of autonomy under 3 headings: the truth of, the tests of, and the testimony of autonomy.…
Is the Local Assembly a Sect? (60 min)
PART 2 of 6 – In the second of a series of 6 messages on “Questions about the assembly”, Tom Bentley (1924-2011) answers the question, “Is the local assembly a sect”? In the first half an hour, Mr Bentley meticulously works his way through the various biblical names and titles of a local assembly, drawing careful distinctions and guidelines. Then he looks at the uniqueness of the local assembly and shows that its very existence is a total repudiation of…
What is the Church? (52 min)
PART 1 of 6 – In the first of a series of 6 messages on “Questions about the assembly”, Tom Bentley (1924-2011) answers the question, “What is the church”? He starts by introducing “the church which is His body”, and makes the all-important point that this church did not exist prior to the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2). Looking at the “church which is His body” dispensationally, symbolically, mystically and eternally, Mr Bentley distinguishes it from the local assembly, which…