Sermons on Zechariah
The Future of Christ (61 min)
Phil Coulson preaches on the future of Christ – starting with the rapture and heading on into the Millennium and the eternal state. Reading: Zech 6:1-15. (Message preached in River Road Gospel Hall, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, Canada, June 2023) Complete series: The sinlessness of Christ The high priesthood of Christ The greatness of Christ The future of Christ
At Evening Time It Shall Be Light (34 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on the glorious prospect of the Lord’s coming from Zech 14:7 “At evening time it shall be light”. In the midst of the darkness, sorrow and perplexities of this present era, the Christian has a sure and certain hope that all will one day be well – when He comes! A message to encourage, uplift and strengthen. (Recorded at the Sussex Gospel Hall Bible Conference, New Brunswick, Canada, in Oct 2016)
An Overview of the Book of Zechariah (49 min)
Gary Woods gives an overview of the book of Zechariah. He gives the setting and context of the book, outlines the main characters of the time period (Haggai, Zechariah, Zerubbabel and Joshua) and touches on the 8 visions in the prophecy. The Christological references in the “branch” prophecies of 3:8 and 6:12 are developed, as well as the important prophetic passages in Chs 12-14 which are looked at from a dispensational viewpoint (Message preached 11th Feb 2016)