Hymn Singing and Scenery from the USA (50 min)

Hymn Singing and Scenery from the USA (50 min)

50 minutes of hymn singing by a group of men and women from Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, Michigan, USA, selected from a number of their CD’s, produced in the 1990’s and the 2000’s. Composer and director: Elizabeth Vallance.

Hymn selection:

  1. Love, Wonderful Love of God & For God So Loved the World
  2. O Lord When We The Path Retrace
  3. O Lord It Is Thyself To Meet
  4. There is a Name I Love to Hear & Thank You Lord for Saving My Soul
  5. He Dies He Dies the Lowly Man of Sorrows
  6. Glory to Thee Thou Son of God Most High
  7. Gathered to Thy Name Lord Jesus
  8. Man of Sorrows What a Name!
  9. When Peace Like a River
  10. O Christ He Is The Fountain
  11. Crown Him with Many Crowns
  12. Alas and Did My Saviour Bleed
  13. All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
  14. The Bread and Wine are Spread Upon the Board
  15. O Spotless Lamb of God in Thee
  16. The Lord’s My Shepherd I’ll Not Want

Our appreciation to canva.com for their superb collection of photographs, from which we selected two for each of the 50 States in the USA, arranged here in alphabetical order.