Sermons on Consider Him! - Various speakers

Sermons on Consider Him! - Various speakers

The Submission and Suffering of Christ (25 min)

Michael Penfold speaks on the submissiveness and sufferings of Christ, based on the apostle Peter’s remarks in his first epistle. Peter learned, while witnessing the sufferings of Christ, how to react in a spiritual way to difficult circumstances in society, the workplace, the home and the assembly (Message preached 15th Dec 2013)

The Patience and Endurance of Christ (29 min)

Mervyn Hall speaks on the patience and endurance of Christ – He Who endured the contradiction of sinners against Himself (Heb 12:3). That contradiction involved a questioning of the Lord’s purpose, parentage, principles and power, yet He responded with patience and grace – ever the perfect Saviour! (Message preached 8th Dec 2013)

The Holiness and Sinlessness of Christ (24 min)

Michael Penfold speaks on the holiness and sinlessness of Christ, Who did no sin, knew no sin and in Whom is no sin. He addresses two vital theological questions: “Could the Lord Jesus Christ have sinned?”, and “What was the purpose of the temptation in the wilderness?” (Message preached 1st Dec 2013)

The Wisdom and Knowledge of Christ (24 min)

Michael Penfold speaks on the wisdom and knowledge of Christ. Wisdom in His person, in creation, in incarnation, in salvation and in kingdom administration. He explains that the Lord Jesus was both omniscient and omnipresent the whole time He was on earth, having left behind none of His divine attributes at the incarnation (Message preached 17th Nov 2013)

The Power and Authority of Christ (21 min)

Mervyn Hall speaks on the power and authority of Christ, that is His ability and liberty. He distinguishes between the two and presents some detail as to Christ’s power over disaster, demons and death – power over the natural, physical and spiritual worlds (Message preached 10th Nov 2013)

The Glory and Majesty of Christ (23 min)

Mervyn Hall speaks on the “glory of Christ” under 3 headings: His essential glory, His official glory and His moral glory. Starting in John 17 and drawing from other sections of John’s gospel, Mervyn gives a helpful overview of this grand subject that will reward further meditation, exploration and development (Message preached 27th Oct 2013)

Deity in Manifestation – Humanity in Perfection (24 min)

Michael Penfold introduces a series on the character of our Lord Jesus Christ. Under the headings of “Deity in manifestation” and “Humanity in Perfection” he reminds his audience of some foundational truths in connection with the person and character of Christ – true man, true God – containing in Himself a perfect balance of flawless features and characteristics (Message preached 20th Oct 2013)