"evidence" Tagged Sermons
Obstacles to Atheism Part 3 – Christ and His Followers (42 min)
Part 3 – Dr Bert Cargill delivers a message on “Jesus Christ and His followers.” Who was Jesus? A mere figure of history, or more? Is He who He claimed to be? Did He rise from the dead? A challenging presentation on the unique person of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Sept 9th 2022). (Photo: Sea of Galilee)
PART 2 – Can an Intelligent Person Still Believe in the Existence of God? (59 min)
PART 2 – “Can an Intelligent Person Still Believe in the Existence of God”. On night two, Ian Jackson puts forward evidence for the existence of God, the uniqueness of Jesus Christ and the truth of salvation. (Message given at the Town Hall, Towcester, 2006)