Understanding the Gospel

Understanding the Gospel

Understanding Saving Faith (40 min)

PART 2 of 2 – Michael Penfold preaches on the foundational doctrine of saving faith under 4 headings: 1. A definition of faith; 2. The principle of faith; 3. The nature of faith and 4. The results of faith. What does it mean to believe in Christ? Why do some people have trouble believing? These and other vital questions are explored in a message that will help anyone struggling with assurance, as well as anyone involved in spreading the gospel…

Understanding Repentance (40 min)

PART 1 of 2 – Michael Penfold preaches on the fundamentally important foundational doctrine of repentance under 5 headings: 1. Why study repentance? 2. What is the link between repentance and faith? 3. What is repentance? 4. How does repentance come about? 5. What are the fruits of repentance? The subject is vital, for unless we understand repentance we will be unable to properly preach the gospel. Readings: Matt 4:17, Luke 13:3, 15:17-19, 24:46-47, Acts 2:37-38a, 20:20-21, 26:19-20. (Recorded on…