Theology 101
Theology 101 – Lordship (40 min)
PART 6 of 6 – In the last of a 6-part series on the fundamentals of the gospel, Mr Jim Allen speaks on the subject of Lordship. He first takes it up dispensationally and reveals the significance of the title “Lord Jesus Christ”. Then he takes a look at Lordship personally and practically and what it really means for a person to say “Jesus is Lord”. A challenging weighty message. Readings: Phil 2:5-11, Acts 2:36, 9:6, Rom 10:8-10, 14:6-12 (Message…
Theology 101 – Sanctification (29 min)
PART 5 of 6 – In the fifth part of a 6-part series on the fundamentals of the gospel, Mr Jim Allen speaks on the subject of sanctification. The root idea of the word sanctification, Mr Allen explains, is to be “set apart”. Its basis – the blood of Christ; its agent – the Holy Spirit; its result – seen in three areas of my person…my mind with which I know God, my emotions with which I love God and…
Theology 101 – Propitiation (36 min)
PART 4 of 6 – In the fourth part of a 6-part series on the fundamentals of the gospel, Mr Jim Allen speaks on the subject of propitiation. Distinguishing biblical propitiation from pagan propitiation, Mr Allen shows that God has set forth Christ to be the sacrifice that satisfies His righteousness and thereby appeases His wrath, allowing Him to be merciful to the guilty on a righteous basis. This is the very heart of the gospel, whereby a work has…
Theology 101 – Retribution (29 min)
PART 3 of 6 – In the third part of a 6-part series on the fundamentals of the gospel, Mr Jim Allen speaks on the subject of the last judgment, when Christ will judge the wicked dead of all ages. Reading one of the Bible’s most solemn passages, Revelation 20:11-15, Mr Allen then speaks on the setting of the judgment, the scene of the judgment, the subjects of the judgment, the standards of the judgment, and the sentence of the…
Theology 101 – Justification (38 min)
PART 2 of 6 – In the second part of a 6-part series on the fundamentals of the gospel, Mr Jim Allen speaks on the essential biblical topic of justification. Justification is not the ‘making’ of a person righteous: it is the ‘declaring’ of a person righteous. How can this be done? By grace. The condemned guilty sinner has nothing to plead; but God has set forth Christ as the propitiation for our sins. Every charge has been met and…
Theology 101 – Human Depravity (38 min)
PART 1 of 6 – In the first part of a 6-part series on the fundamentals of the gospel, Mr Jim Allen speaks clearly and powerfully on the little understood and oft-avoided topic of human depravity. Rarely taken up in ministry as a stand-alone subject, this is a solid, essential and wide-ranging setting forth of biblical truth. Not only for gospel preachers, but also for elders, parents, Sunday School teachers – indeed, all of us – this message will prove…