The Tabernacle of Moses
On the Calendar (34 min)
PART 4 – Elton Fairfield preaches on the annual festal calendar of the nation of Israel from Leviticus Ch 23 – otherwise known as “the seven feasts of Jehovah”. He expounds the spiritual significance of the passover, the feast of unleavened bread, firstfruits, Pentecost, trumpets, atonement and tabernacles (Message preached 11th Feb 2018)
Beyond the Curtain (42 min)
PART 3 – Elton Fairfield preaches on the significance of the holy of holies, the room that lay behind the veil in the Tabernacle. There stood the ark of the covenant and its mercy seat, or lid of atonement. Elton spends some time in Leviticus Ch 16 looking at the ‘day of atonement’, the only day on which the High Priest entered beyond the veil and sprinkled blood on and before the mercy seat. The typological significance of these themes…
Within the Chamber (42 min)
PART 2 – Elton Fairfield preaches on what it was like “within the chamber” (the holy place) with its table, lampstand and altar of incense, and the typological significance of all of these things. He explains why the door had 5 pillars, while the gate had only 4, even though they had the same square footage in surface area. Listen for his explanation as to why the lampstand had 22 buds, 22 flowers and 22 almonds (Message preached 10th Feb…
Through the Courtyard (53 min)
PART 1 – Elton Fairfield preaches on the significance of the Tabernacle’s gate, and the first two items of furniture – the brazen altar and the laver – a person would meet as they stepped into the “courtyard” of the Tabernacle. The altar’s design, dimensions, dominance and designation are all outlined as is its typological significance. The need and function of the laver is also expounded with particular reference to John Ch 13 (Message preached 9th Feb 2018)