Spiritual Growth
Hindrances to Spiritual Growth (34 min)
Colin Hutchison preaches on 4 men who were growing spiritually but were hindered in their progress and wasted their potential. Reuben, hindered by defilement; Saul, by disobedience; the “man of God” by deceit; and Demas by desertion. Readings: Gen 49.1-4, 1 Sam 15:1-9, 1 Kings 13:1-2, 7-24, 2 Tim 4:9-11. (Recorded in Northampton, 26th Aug 2007) Complete series: He shall grow up before Him The concept of spiritual growth Spiritual development Hindrances to spiritual growth
Spiritual Development (36 min)
Colin Hutchison preaches on Paul’s words to Timothy in his second epistle and develops the theme of how to develop spiritually. Readings: 2 Tim 1:1-13, 2:1-15. (Recorded in Northampton, 25th Aug 2007) Complete series: He shall grow up before Him The concept of spiritual growth Spiritual development Hindrances to spiritual growth
The Concept of Spiritual Growth (47 min)
Colin Hutchison takes up a number of plants in the Bible to illustrate the concept of spiritual growth. Joseph the fruitful bough, the cut down tree in Job 14, the plant of Psalm 92, the noble vine in Jeremiah 2, and the grapes in the wilderness in Hosea 9. Readings: Gen 49:22, Job 14:7, Psa 92:12-15, Jer 2:21, Hos 9:10. (Recorded in Northampton, 25th Aug 2007) Complete series: He shall grow up before Him The concept of spiritual growth Spiritual…
He Shall Grow Up Before Him (20 min)
Colin Hutchison opens up a series of messages on the subject of spiritual growth by looking at Christ in Isaiah 53, the One who “grew up before Him, as a tender plant”. (Recorded in Northampton, 24th Aug 2007) Complete series: He shall grow up before Him The concept of spiritual growth Spiritual development Hindrances to spiritual growth