Expositions in Proverbs
Summary of Proverbs (28 min)
Mervyn Hall closes the series on Proverbs with a look at some of the key disciplines that Solomon outlines in his book. Threaded through the book of Proverbs are references to key disciplines such as “the habit of faithfulness, “the habit of holiness”, “the habit of orderliness” and “the habit of kindness”, the key to all of which is “the habit of contentedness” (Message preached 9th Nov 2014)
“The Saviour” in Proverbs (23 min)
David Castles preaches on references to the Lord Jesus Christ in the Proverbs. He groups them under three headings: Christ as the Son, Christ as the Saviour, and Christ as the Sovereign. Since Christ is the personification of wisdom, there is much in Proverbs that can be looked at in a Christological light (Message preached 2nd Nov 2014)
“The Scorner” in Proverbs (22 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on the scorner, a major character in the book of Proverbs. He compares three of Solomon’s case studies – the simple, the fool and the scorner. The scorner has contempt for Christ and His gospel, and for the people of God. It has ever been thus, since they first mocked Christ and “laughed Him to scorn.” The scorner is warned – “If thou shalt be wise, thou shalt be wise for thyself, but if thou scornest, thou…
“The Sluggard vs the Diligent Man” in Proverbs (22 min)
PROVERBS Part 5 – David Castles compares the sluggard – the lazy, slothful man – of Proverbs, with his opposite – the diligent man. The sluggard makes excuses, rarely starts anything and never finishes what he does. Applying these characteristics to the spiritual realm, David urges his audience to diligence in study of the Scriptures and in service for the Lord. “Go to the ant thou sluggard”! (Message preached 28th Sept 2014)
“The Godly Son” in Proverbs (25 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on the characteristics of the “godly son” in the book of Proverbs. He divides his comments up into three sections: the godly son’s allegiances, his attitudes and his appetites. Solomon left Rehoboam a legacy of advice which he sadly failed to heed, but which will rightly guide all who follow it (Message preached 21st Sept 2014)
“The Wise Man vs The Foolish Man” in Proverbs (26 min)
Michael Penfold contrasts the wise and the foolish man in the book of Proverbs. He outlines 7 major features of the fool, everything from his godless mindset, to his troublesome tongue to his disastrous influence. How different to the wise man, whose attitudes, decisions and movements are governed by wisdom’s overarching “first principle”, the fear of the Lord (Message preached 7th Sept 2014)
An Overview of the Book of Proverbs (43 min)
Mervyn Hall gives an introduction to and an overview of the book of Proverbs, helpfully dividing up its chapters, outlining its features and explaining its place within the canon of Scripture. He highlights various linguistic features of the book – restatements, amplifications and contrasts – and points out the need to distinguish between absolutisms, truisms and generalisations (Message preached 31st Aug 2014)