Cancer Wasn't Supposed to Knock at My Door

Al Christopherson


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Latest 4 Uploads

I Will Come Again – Maranatha (29 min)

Tom West preaches on the rapture of the church. Its preview in the translation of Enoch, its promise, its transformational change and its glorious hope. Readings: John 14, 1 Thess 4. (Recorded in Hanslope Gospel Hall, Bucks, UK, Dec 2024)

A Woman Who Liked to Feel In Control (30 min)

Brody Thibodeau preaches on the life and service of Martha, the sister of Mary. She was a busy lady who liked to be “in control” – an attitude that afflicts many Christians! Take a listen to this sympathetic look at this precious woman of faith. Readings: Luke 10:38-42, John 11:1-28, 33-44. (Recorded at the Blues Mills Gospel Hall conference, Cape Breton Island, Canada, 9th Nov 2024)

My Salvation Was More Important Than My Job (5 min)

Ken Netti grew up in Massachusetts, USA, and heard powerful gospel preaching in his youth from men like Albert Hull and Bill Bingham. His “Uncle Pat” had a keen interest in Ken’s salvation and would often ask him “Are you saved?” Moving to Ohio, Ken found work at a Country Club during his high School years. But when he finally faced his need to get right with God, salvation had to come first. Reading: John 3.16. (Recorded in Stark Road…

Where will you spend eternity?

Andrew Steele


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