Uel Ussher – My Conversion, and Call to Venezuela (49 min)

Uel Ussher – My Conversion, and Call to Venezuela (49 min)

To leave the UK and head to Venezuela in the 1960’s was a big move for a 25 year old young man and his wife. How were Uel and Rae Ussher to know that this was really the will of God for them? How could they be sure? Listen to the wonderful way God is able to guide those who are open and ready to obey His call to serve, even in far off lands. Uel Ussher tells of his conversion, his early days in Killykergan, and how God brought him and Rae together and led them to South America to serve Him. Readings; Job 16:19, Acts 9:4-6, 15:1-3 (Message given at the Larne Conference in 2007)

Commended preachers at the Conference at Caracas, Venezuela, 2019. Mr Uel Ussher is seated third from the right.
62 years earlier, the first Bible Conference in Venezuela, 1957. Among the many pictured: Mr Eddie Fairfield (seated 4th from left) and next to him William Williams.